The Nunn Center’s interview with Senator Georgia Davis Powers was featured on another edition of Saving Stories on WUKY in celebration of Martin Luther King Day. Senator Powers played a key role in the organization of the march on Frankfort in 1964 involving Martin Luther King, Jackie Robinson and other leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. Senator Powers has recently been interviewed by historian Gerald Smith as part of an in depth life history involving her career and involvement in the Movement. Although these interviews are currently restricted, her interviews for our Kentucky Legislature Oral History Project and our Blacks in Lexington Project are featured inthis edition of Saving Stories. Senator Powers, the first African-American and woman elected to Kentucky’s Senate in 1968, has led a remarkable career as a legislator fighting for justice and civil rights for Kentucky. Most recently, she has been honored with an endowed chair in her name as part of University of Kentucky’s Center for Research on Violence Against Women and Senator Powers has also recently pledged her papers to the University of Kentucky’s Special Collections.